加州州立大學長堤分校(CSU, Long Beach)目前招收有來自103個國家的1200名外國學生,主要外國學生來源國包括日本、印度、台灣、南韓及沙烏地阿拉伯。該校目前與36所大學訂有學術交換計畫,該校學生可以在海外19個國家50所大學就讀;而他們的教授分在35個國家從事研究及教學計畫。
以上所有活動,都是該校國際教育中心 (The Center for International Education)的職掌。就如其他學校的國際學術交流中心一般,該中心主管國際學生的招攬、輔導,也負責把該校的學生送到外國學校學習、交流。不過,該中心還有一項秘密武器,那就是:設立全球學習融合教育課程(Global Learning Options for a Broader Education Program),簡稱 GLOBE。
以下為摘自該校GLOBE 網站的課程範例:
First Semester (13-14 units)
- University 100 (globally focused)
- English 100--Written Communication (globally focused)
- Math
- Psychology 100 (General Psychology) or Geography 100 (World Regional Geography)
- Theatre 113 (Intro to Acting) or Foreign Language or Course of your choice--major, or major prerequisite
Second Semester (12-15 units)
- Oral Communication (globally focused)
- Critical Thinking (globally focused)
- Course(s) of your choice--major, or major prerequisite, or another GE course (e.g., Cultural Anthropology, Principles of Sociology, foreign language)
Third Semester (15 units)
- Political Science 100 (globally focused)
- Course(s) of your choice--major, or major prerequisite, or another globally focused GE course (e.g., World History, International Politics)
Junior/Senior Year
- Interdisciplinary coursework (globally focused)-6 units
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